Friday, May 12, 2006

Need for more research on Magars

After going through literature, though very limited in extent, we still do not find concrete answers for many questions related with the origin and history of Nepalese people--and Magars in particular. It appears to be more confusing than before. This could have been due to my ignorance. There are equal chances that these Westerners' kaleidoscope of perception may have been slightly different from Nepali historians. However, I see many areas for supplementary studies and archeological works, may be just to unravel the veiled secrets, and straighten out controversies, still rampant, pertaining to the origin and history of the people of Nepal.

I agree with Perceval Landon when he says “many questions relating to earlier days remain undecided is still unfortunately true, and the world will have to wait for the thorough examination and collation of the unpublished manuscript treasures of Kathmandu before a final chronology and chronicle of Nepalese can be begun." There are few things, which remain to be done, and those are--protect and conserve the already found evidences and documents for ready references for future researches and studies and engage professionals in extensive research works. While doing all these we should keep ourselves sincerely honest, neutral and free from any prejudices.

The above paragraghs are extract from the article "Magars Through the Eyes of Western Writers: A Socio-Anthropological Review", published in "Shodhmala", a Journal of Magar Studies Center, 2005. Visit for the complete text and many other materials.

Monpas and Mangars!

An email received....

I happened to read about a tibeto- burmese tribe called MONPAS, who were once said to have lived throughout Bhutan, Assam and Sikkim, having had princely states of their own,and ruling out of strong fortifications called Dzongs. The ancient history of Sikkim also states that a tribe called Mon lived there. Lately, they are scattered in Bhutan and Arunachal Pradesh. I am inclined to think that there maybe a close connection between them and the Mangars (Magars), since it is said that the Magars were residing in Sikkim before the advent of Bhutias in fortifications also called Dzongs, there are still some places in Sikkim called Magar Dongs. However, this is only a thought.

T. Thapa

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Ideas on Constituent Assembly and Constitution Writing

The meeting of Magar Sangh Central Committee has decided to form a Working Committee to prepare a concept paper on CA and Constitutional changes. I am the convener. Other members of the Committee are Trilok Singh Thapa, Sangini Rana, and Bhoj Bikram Budha. We had first round meeting today. Almost all Magar Studies Center members and many other Magar intellectuals were present. We have decided to prepare the paper on the following headings:

-Listing the key Magar issues/Major concerns of Magars to be addressed
-Interim Constitution-Constituent Assembly
-Constitution re-writing

You are kindly requested to send in any type of information or your opinion on these subjects. We hope to present this paper within few weeks time in one of the seminar and then hand over to Magar Sangh.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Wishing only is not going to pay; it needs toil

Usually all seminars and workshops end up with sentimental feelings that we should get organised, we should try to get more seats in the parliament, we should improve education of Magars and we should be economically vibrant society etc. etc. But what after that? The need to do is to translate these feelings into action plan and programs.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

प्रहरी संगठन सुदृढ गर्न नयाँ ऐनको मस्यौदा तयार गरिँदैछ

  प्रहरी संगठन सुदृढ गर्न नयाँ ऐनको मस्यौदा तयार गरिँदैछ : गृहमन्त्री लेखक   आश्विन ३० , २०८१ रासस काठमाडौँ — गृहमन्त्री रमेश लेखकले न...