Saturday, January 23, 2010

Email coverstaions on the history of Magar

Date: Tue, 30 Nov 2004 07:22:08 -0800 (PST)
From: "MSC" View Contact Details
Subject: Re: Himalayan Mountaineeing Institute

Dear Stanley,
Thanks. This is becoming very interesting. I shal try to find out more about the telescope. But i dont see any relationship with the Bhirkot. When i find some time i shall explore more about your field of interest. With best regards.
Dr. GPThapa wrote:
28 November 2004

Dear Dr. Thapa

The information that your friend provided on the telescope is most interesting, however, I am more interested in obtaining the number on the telescope. The number gives much more detail to the telescope. I am sorry that the telesope lens was broken. There are replacement lens for the telescope that I might be able to help in acqiring for it.

As to my last email regarding Mrs. Bhinda Swari Malla Shah, I have ascertained that she is from the Bhaktapur Mallas. I suppose I was not clear regarding the information on her family. It is her mother Mrs. Jagat Malla of whom I do not have information on. I understand that she lived in Nepal and when Mr. Padma Malla returned from America she left Nepal and went to Calcutta to be with him and that is where their chidren were born. I do not know if Mrs. Jagat Malla had been a Rana, a Singh, a Shah, or whom prior to her marriage to Mr. Padma Malla.

I understand that you are very busy. I do not wish to take up your time with my questions.

I have received a second email from you regarding Mr. Anil Keshary Shah, the grandson of Mr. Tarak Bahadur Shah. You had sent me an email and an introduction to Mr. Shah to me some time ago as well. I wrote to him with no success at all. The same is true for Mrs. Samantha Shah who is the wife of Mr Ujjal Shah, brother to Mr. Anil Shah. Mrs. Bhinda Shah turned my questions over to Mrs. Samantha Shah who wanted to know my "base" address and not much else. I am afraid that this family is rather private, even though they are from a public family, including Mrs. Bhinda Shah. Therefore, I will not bother with seeking any more information regarding them for my research. I shall seek research on families that may actually have information on Bhirkot and who actually want to know the history of their family, or give it up soon. I really can't get involved with families who do not wish to be known

Again, I thank you for your time and effort on my behalf.


Mr. J.F.Stanley
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 2004 22:48:33 -0800 (PST)
From: "MSC" View Contact Details

Subject: Re: Greetings from Magar Studies Center
CC: "Anil Shah"

Dear Stanley,
I take thhis opportunity to introduce Mr. Anil Shah, General Manager of Nabil Bank, Kathmandu. Mr Shah is the grandson of Raja Tarak Bahadur Shah and son of Narayan Keshari Shah and Mrs Binda Shah (First lady Ambassador to Bangladesh and India). I received this information by courtesy of Manoj Shah. I am sure that Mr. Shah will be able to help you sort out many puzzles. I have also posted this mail to Mr. Anil Shah.

With reagards.
Dr. GPThapa wrote:
6 August 2004

Dear Dr.Thapa:

I have not heard from Mr. Manoj Shah other than his email stating that King Tarak Bahadur Shah was his family member. He told me that he was going to collect some data for me and alas, that was the last that I heard I have heard from other sources that the wife of Dr.Narayan Keshary Shah is Blinda Swari Malla, daughter of Padma Sundar Malla who left for Japan in 1916 stayed 2 years and then left for America and the University of Michigan. he returned to Nepal and he had lost his caste because he had not gotten permission to cross the oceans. He built the The Morang Hydroelectric Company, with its 1,600 KW Sikharbas plant on the Chisang Khola, was established in 1939 to power Nepal's first large industry, the Biratnagar Jute Mill. The major shareholders of this company were, of course, the ruling Ranas and their favourite officials. (Juddha Rana). this was the site of the workers strike called for Nehru of India, King Tribuhvan, Prince Mahendra and Subaran Rana with the newly established Nepali Congress.

I heard that Mrs Blinda Malla Shah had two sons one of which married Subarna Rana's granddaughter, Rati. the other one married Samantha Rajya Laxmi Rana daughter of Late Tribhuvan Pratap Rana(son of Yog Bikram Rana) and Sachu Shah. and had a son this year by the name of Aditya Keshary Shah son b. February 2004. I have not been able to locate Tribhuvan Pratap Rana, or Yog Bikram Rana or Sachu Shah. I am still researching and when I have it together, I wll be happy to share all the information with your center.
Mr. J.F.Stanley
Fri, 26 Nov 2004 22:46:30 -0800 (PST)
From: "MSC" View Contact Details

Subject: Re: Himalayan Mountaineeing Institute

Dear Stanley,
I requested one of my friends to go and gather information about the telescope. According to him—the telescope is made in Germany, 7-8 feet long, 5-8 feet high, 50-60 kilogram heavy, it can cover the range of 2000 kilometer. It was given by Adolf Hitler to Judha Shumsher Jang Bahadur Rana. His son Shumsher Jang Bahadur Rana handed over it to the Himalayan Mountaineering Institute in 1961 AD. These days the telescope is not in use because some students accidentally broke the glass of the instrument during experiment session.
I hope it partially serves your purpose. I you want more information I can reach my friend again on telephone.

Last time this is what you wrote to me about Bindha Shah "Mrs. Bhinda Swari Malla Shah has informed me of her immediate family that being of her father, :Padma Sundar Malla who married Jagat. I do not know what branch of the Shah, or Rana or Malla family she is from. Mrs. Bhinda Shah's brothers are Chitra Prakash Malla, Tej Prakash Malla, and Chatra Prakash Malla.They are Newars descending from the Kings of Bhaktapur."

Yes, she belongs to Malla Newars of Bhaktapur.

I do not have any family relationship with the Nain Singh Thapa. I belong to Magar--an ethnic Nationalities of Nepal.

These days I am too busy. May be after some time I find time to look out information for your research. Will be in touch soon.

Dr. GPThapa wrote:

24 November 2004

Dear Dr. G P Thapa:

I do not know if anyone from the Magar Studies Center is able to go, or does go, to Darjeerling, India and to the Himalyan Mountaineering Institute located there. If there is someone who does go to Darjeerling, or if you know of someone who lives in Darjeerling, would you please do me a favor and ask them if they would be so kind as to go to the Himalayan Mountaineering Institute and look at the Large Telescope outside the HMI Center and get the number of the Telescope off of it, as well as any other writing on it and post it to me? The Number of the Telescope is most important to me and plays a part in the history of Nepal. I just have to have the number of the Telescope in order to authenticate it. Do you think that it might be possible to get this number for me in a rather short time frame?

I would be so grateful for this information.

I am still attempting to follow up some leads on the Bhirkot lineage of Shahs and will not give up on it. As soon as I receive any information, I shall post you on it. You have been most kind and most helpful to me in my research. Dr. Thapa, are you related to General Nain Singh Thapa and his daughter, Ganesh Kumari Devi, who was the second wife of Narasingh Kunwar Rana.?


Mr. J.F.Stanley
Mon, 8 Nov 2004 07:25:21 -0800 (PST)
From: "MSC" View Contact Details

Subject: Re: Rajas of Bhirkot

Dear Stanley,
Thanks for the update. I am extremely happy to find you more and more getting into the history of Magar kings. Be prepared to take pains--because it is not going to be an easy task. All the best. With best regards.
Dr. GP Thapa wrote:
5 November 2004

Dear Dr. G P Thapa:

I have not forgotten you, kind Sir. I have not had much cooperation on my research and it is taking me a bit of time to gather it together.

However, through friends in London, I have discovered that Raja Tarak Bahadur Shah's, father is Raja Tamra Dhowj Khand. Raja Tarak's grandfather is Raja Lalit Bahadur Khand b 18xx, descendant of Raja Khancha Khan and that is where I am yet again stuck.

According to the history of the Aalam Devi, the genealogies go like this:

Bhattar Rhishi Raj Ranaji in Chittaurgadh, Indian
Bhupati Ranaji Rao was the 33rd lineage after Bhattar
Raja Manamath Ranjee Manorat Rai [Manamath Ranaji Rao]
Raja Bhupal Ranjee he left Ujjain and went to Ridi in 1494. He stayed in Ridi
for some time and the he moved to Bhirkot. Raja of Bhirkot
Khancha Khan (Harihar Singh) won Dhora. (Baglung) Bhirkot,
Satahun, Gahraun (Syangja). Khancha Khan, a Thakuri king of the Chin
Rangan clan. was taking the Aalam Devi ( Kumari Devi, a Goddess, who
had to be carried at all times and never laid on the ground. A soldier laid
down the Kumari Devi and she vanished. A virgin boy was left at the
temple and a virgin boy must always be there at the temple in case she
reappears.) with him during the time of extending his Kingdom. One
night he took rest there where the temple lies today but the Devi
concealed deep down into the earth. Conceal corresponds to ‘alap’ in
local tongue and the revised version of ‘alap’ might be Aalam, it is said.
Later Khancha Khan maintained Aalam Devi as the Kul Devta of the
Royal family and Thakuris of Nepal till today.

 Jaina Khand
Raja Lalit Bahadur Khand
Raja Tamra Dhowj Khand
Raja Tarak Bahadur Shah
Rishikesh Shaha
Narayan Keshary Shah
Anil Keshary Shah
Ujjal Keshary Shah

I have read Extract from 'The Gurkhas' of Eden Vansittart (based upon the 'Notes on Nepal', 1895 AD and 'Notes on Gurkhas' 1890 AD), Anmol Publications, New Delhi, Re-print 1993 (The spellings are original and not altered) , where Dr. Hamilton states, "The family of Gurkha, which now (1802) governs Nepal, although it pretends to come from Chitor, is in reality of the Magar tribe" and where he stated that the original home of the Magars was around Bhirkot, Gulmi, Argha, Khachi, and Palpa. I have also read that King Prithvi Narayan Shah went to Benaras and changed his Gotra from `Bharadwaj' into `Kasyap'. Bharadwaj does not seem to have any Sutras listed with it, however, Kasyap does and I don't know if this was his intention to do, that of obtaining a link to the Rishis who wrote Sutras.

Raja Tarak Bahadur Shah married Madaan Dibyeshwari Rajya Lakshmi b. at Dhankota, October 1901 daughter of Bir SJB Rana, eldest son of Dhir SJB Rana, 9th son of Bala Narsingh Rana. Their daughter, Kamal, the sister to Rishikesh Shah, married Min SJB Rana, the 17th son of Juddha SJB Rana and they had Anup who died in 1999 from a series of 3 devastating strokes in one day.

Mrs. Bhinda Swari Malla Shah has informed me of her immediate family that being of her father, :Padma Sundar Malla who married Jagat. I do not know what branch of the Shah, or Rana or Malla family she is from. Mrs. Bhinda Shah's brothers are Chitra Prakash Malla, Tej Prakash Malla, and Chatra Prakash Malla.They are Newars descending from the Kings of Bhaktapur.

I am currently working on that list and will post you as soon as possible.

Mr. J.F.Stanley

Tue, 6 Jul 2004 02:24:11 -0700 (PDT)
From: "MSC" View Contact Details

Subject: Re: Former King of Bhirkot, Tarak Bahadur Shah

Dear Stabley,
Thanks for your mail. Please write to Mr. Manoj Shah Email: concerning your research work. He is the right man for this. I shall be happy if we could do anything besides that. Thanks.
MSC wrote:
June 30 2004

Dear Magar Studies Center:
I have read your article on the magars most intently. I understand that the Kingdom of Bhirkot was small and a tributary to the Raja of Jumla. I am attempting to research the history of King Tarak Bahadur Shah and his family. I understand that Rishikesh Shaha the former Finance Minister of Nepal, the former Foreign Minister of Nepal, the first permanent Royal Nepal Ambassador to the United Nations and Ambassador to the United States, the former drafter of the 1962 Nepal Constitituion was his son. I have learned that Dr. Narayan Keshary Shah is also King Tarak's son and that Rishikesh Shaha had a son by the name of Prakrash who lives in New Jersey USA. Dr. Narayan Shah has two sons, one Anil Keshary Shah married Rati Rana, daughter of Rakmar Rana and the other son, Ujjal Shah is living in the USA. I do not have any information on the wfe of either Dr. Narayan Shah or Rishikesh Shaha or of King Tarak Shah. If you have any infromation on the lineage of King Tarak and information on his family I would be deeply appreciative.

What now concerns me is that Dr. F. Hamilton in his 1819 book states that the people of Bhirkot were magars. does this mean that King Tarak is a Magar of India and not a Rajput Prince of India? Is Prithvi Narayan Shah's family of Gorhka really Magars and not Rajput from Chittor?
will you help to clear this up as best as you can for me? I thank you very much.

Mr. J. F. Stanley

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