Saturday, June 30, 2012

Respect others rights first

"The promotion and exercise of tolerance, the ability to keep our hearts and minds open to the reasoning of others are the true litmus tests to gauge whether our commitment to the full and interdependent set of human rights and to human dignity is truly genuine and not just expedient rhetoric." Ms. Navanethem Pillay

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किरातको इतिहास : को हुन् किरात राई ?

  किरातको इतिहास : को हुन् किरात राई ? डा. भक्त राई , लोकपाटी न्यूज ६ माघ २०७६ , सोमबार किरात शब्द अनेक जातिहरूलाई बुझाउने पुञ्ज हो। कि...