Thursday, June 18, 2020

The role of political parties in deepening democracy in Nepal

The role of political parties in deepening democracy in Nepal

The political parties in Nepal have demonstrated an amazing feat for democracy restoration. But they have shown scant ability in institutionalizing democracy. Their challenges lies in the fusion of shared visions, moral leadership, and opening up for the Nepali citizens an opportunity for a dignified life, liberty, and progress. Nepal's ethnic, caste, language, and religious diversity makes the society highly resilient and public-spirited prompting critical thinking and diverse solution, a precondition to deepening democracy.
The stability of democracy rests on the honesty of leadership to party statutes, predictable policies, a deliberative mechanism of decision making, smooth transfer of authority to local leadership, and its ability to build trust between the state, the civic institutions, and citizens. Political authority derives from elections, the trust of people and law and, therefore, its term is fixed. This means civic power of parties and institutional power of security, rule of law, integrity, accountability, justice and transparency require building a coherent vision, inter-generational circulation of leadership in the bodypolitik, and creating policies to mobilize the centripetal forces of society, erase the fault lines between the numerous parties and unite the citizens for cooperative action.
Foreword by Dev Raj Dahal, Head, FES Nepal for the book, 'The role of political parties in deepening democracy in Nepal' edited by Anand Aditya and Chandra D. Bhatta

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  प्रहरी संगठन सुदृढ गर्न नयाँ ऐनको मस्यौदा तयार गरिँदैछ : गृहमन्त्री लेखक   आश्विन ३० , २०८१ रासस काठमाडौँ — गृहमन्त्री रमेश लेखकले न...